MARANATA: Luis Di Matteo bandoneon -
German Prentky , Victor Adiego cello -
Santiago Ameijenda bateria -
Aldo De Ferrari , Roberto Giordano Guitara, Bajo
Jose Luis Mussetti , Julio Cesar Olivera teclados -
Ruben Montaldo Percusion -
Carlos Sastre SaxoTenor, Flute -
Alexis Buenseñor Trombon, Corno -
Eduardo Martiarena Trompeta -
Francisco Schlotthauer Viola -
coros: Estela ERRECART , Charo ERRECART , Noelia MENDEZ
The only album recorded by this Uruguayan band and one of the
most fabulous and rarest “Rare Grooves” records ever released. They
were formed by Roberto Giordano, bass player of Totem, with the
intention of making some extra money by playing contemporary hits
or classics at wedding, private parties and TV shows. It was recorded
specifically to be sold at those “events”. There are echoes of Cal Tjader,
Deodato, Henri Mancini, Billy Cobham... but with a candombe beat:
utterly rhythmic and contagious!
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